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Friday, January 26, 2024

"Eternal Renaissance: Flames of Iranism’s Resurgence in Contemporary Art" By Aram Ruhig

 "Eternal Renaissance: Flames of Iranism’s Resurgence in Contemporary Art"

Journey through Poetic Realms: A Fusion of Mysticism in Contemporary Iranism

Embark on an ethereal odyssey through the mesmerizing brushstrokes of Aram, where art transcends its traditional boundaries. Rooted in the mystical traditions of Iranian civilization, Aram draws inspiration from ancient poets and artists like Hafez, Ferdowsi, and Zoroaster, weaving profound philosophical poems into the very fabric of his creations. This artistic lineage forms the cornerstone of Aram’s work—a timeless exploration of the divine intricately entwined with Iranian civilization.

Mysticism as a Call to Divine Participation

Aram invites viewers to explore a mystic state, urging them to embrace their authentic, divine selves. Central to this journey is Love, as the driving force, binds this celestial composition, fostering equality with all divine entities—the eternal dance of goddesses and gods through the artist.

One must recognize and become equal, contributing to the creation of Persian gardens intricately woven into Persian carpets.

In this mystic state, life's composition becomes an art, a delicate interplay of interconnected elements. Love, the driving force, binds this celestial composition, fostering a sense of equality with all divine entities.

Literary Echoes: Embracing Hafez's Poetic Wisdom

“I am just loyal to love and free from this world and beyond.”

This exhibition delves into a civilization that, despite facing challenges since the 7th century, continuously revives itself, birthing anew in a perpetual state of fertility. In the absence of traditional protection and historical invasions, Iranian civilization emerges as an eternal flame—an idea refusing to be extinguished.

“Eternal Renaissance” pays homage to the unbroken thread of Iranian civilization and art. The artist, detached from conventional notions of armies and governments, becomes a guardian of perpetual renewal. In a world where art and civilization stand apart, the Iranian artist becomes a torchbearer, nurturing the flame of an idea transcending physical boundaries and temporal constraints.

Step into a world where artistic expression testifies to the indomitable spirit of a civilization defying the odds. “Eternal Renaissance” invites you to witness the convergence of authenticity, mystical connection, and the unbroken thread of Iranian resilience.

In Aram’s renditions, mysticism becomes a living canvas, reflecting the poetic way of being that has echoed through the ages. As we delve into the artworks, we encounter the same poetic and mystical spirit that inspired Zoroaster’s verses, Hafez's quatrains, and Ferdowsi's monumental Shah-Name—a comprehensive study and reimagining of Persian mythology. This connection to a rich heritage of philosophical poetry infuses each piece with a depth that transcends the visual, inviting viewers to witness the unfolding of a poetic narrative.

Awakening the Dragon: Loyalty to Authentic Self

Arise within the tapestry of Aram’s artistic journey, a tale of loyalty to one’s authentic self. As symbols intertwine and mythology becomes personal, Aram navigates a landscape of ancient echoes and modern resonances. The journey into self-encounter reveals elements found in dreams, symbols, and stories—a dance that speaks to the enduring spirit of the land of the lion and sun.

In the awakening of the Dragon, Aram delves into the loyalty of one’s authentic self. The Persian mythology, entwined with personal "my-thology," becomes a testament to the resilience of the people of the Sun. Against attempts to let the lions die out, the spirit of the lion persists—a symbol of loyalty standing firm in the face of neglect and humiliation.

Cut in Gods City: A Poetic Exploration of Truth and Transformation

Delve into the poetic realms of “Cut in Gods City,” a narrative that cuts through false Suns and weak gods. Aram's exploration of truth and transformation becomes a journey to the authentic self. In a city where authenticity is challenged, Aram invites you to question, discover, and embrace the true essence within.

As symbols and signs guide the way, Aram's loyalty to his authentic self shines through. In this exploration of Persian gardens and mythological echoes, the Tree of Life calls for the protection of all living beings. The reimagining of Pardis, the Persian garden paradigm, becomes a harmonious blend of diversity, beauty, and cooperative authenticity.

Eternal Renaissance: Flames of Iranism’s Resurgence in Contemporary Art

A synergy of poetic realms, personal mythologies, and transformative journeys converge in "Eternal Renaissance." Aram's brushstrokes become a testament to the enduring spirit of Iranian civilization. Step into a world where authenticity, mysticism, and loyalty to the authentic self intertwine—a flame of resurgence that defies time and echoes through the eternal.

by: Aram Ruhig

Curator: Oliver Rico

Organiser: MATERIAL 

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Aram Ruhig

Aram Ruhig, born in Tehran and lives in Zurich.

My art explores the intersection of material and mysticism, drawing from Zoroastrian theology and philosophical traditions. I create paintings and media poetry that blend visual art to evoke deep reflection and explore poetic landscapes. Influenced from a young age by prominent artists, including Abbas Kiarostami, at the Institute for the Intellectual Development of Children and Young Adults (IIDCYA), I studied fine art in Zurich. Since 2011, I have been the curator of RuhigRaum, the living room of my flat.


"My "I" is quiet, but it records everything."

the room. 
I, the room. 
I designate myself as room. 
Silent room (RuhigRaum) is: the rooms I have been living in. 
I have been working in these rooms. 
My work is: search, 
that is the search itself which I'm interested in, 
the processes of my life and their connections among themselves are a sign of something. 
Through my search in these rooms they have changed more and more, 
more and more they hint at something, 
yet this something cannot be grasped, 
this something is silent. 
This something lives in the silence. 
I wish however that one can experience this in the rooms. 
I am the room and I would like to be experienced by people entering the rooms I have shaped. 

An open room am I, 
it's about the lines, colours, structures and compositions that influence me, and I cannot ignore them and I don't want to have to ignore them, because my life always takes place in these rooms, 
thus I have a connection to everything, 
but sometimes there is a conflict relationship with a lot of characteristics of the rooms, 
and through the conflict, arises an act that I absolutely want to perform, 
and here the image or the word comes to my help.

It's about an alienated view on life. 
A life and a view upon between dream and reality. 
Perhaps it is, about a pending decision, 
to communicate, to participate or precisely not.
Foreign to me is a lot around me 
or maybe I am the foreigner.

Aram Ruhi Ahangarani


"Mein Ich ist ruhig, es zeichnet aber alles auf."

der Raum, 
Ich der Raum. 
Ich bezeichne mich als Raum. 
RuhigRaum ist: die Räume, die ich bewohne. 
Ich arbeite in diesen Räumen, 
meine Arbeit ist: suchen, 
das ist die Suche selbst, die mich interessiert, 
die Prozesse meines Lebens und deren Verbindung untereinander deuten  auf etwas hin. Durch meine Suche in diesen Räumen haben sie sich immer mehr verändert, 
sie deuten immer mehr hin auf etwas, 
jedoch das Etwas kann nicht gefasst werden, 
das Etwas ist ruhig.  
Das Etwas lebt in der Stille. 
Ich will aber, dass man dies in den Räumen erleben kann. 
Ich bin der Raum und möchte, dass man mich erfährt, 
indem man die Räume betritt, die ich gestaltet habe.

Ein offener Raum bin ich, 
es geht darum, 
dass die Linien, Farben, Strukturen und Komposition in den Räumen mich beeinflussen, und ich kann sie nicht ignorieren und will sie auch nicht ignorieren müssen, da sich mein Leben immer in diesen Räumen abspielt, 
so habe ich mit allem eine Beziehung, 
es gibt aber manchmal einen Beziehungskonflikt mit vielen Eigenschaften von den Räumen, 
und durch den Konflikt entsteht ein Akt, 
den ich unbedingt aufführen muss, 
da kommt das Bild oder das Wort mir zu Hilfe.

Es geht um eine befremdete Sicht auf das Leben. 
Ein Leben und eine Sicht darauf zwischen Traum und Realität. 
Vielleicht auch um eine schwebende Entscheidung, 
zu kommunzieren, teilzunehmen, oder eben nicht.
Fremd ist mir vieles um mich 
oder vielleicht bin ich der Fremde.  

Aram Ruhi Ahangarani

Wednesday, April 5, 2017


RuhigRaum ist: die Räume, die ich bewohne. 
Um öffentlich zu sein, habe ich in den Räumen verschiedene Ausstellungen kuratiert und alle Ausstellungen und meine Lebensprozesse im + RuhigRaum habe ich laufend auf dem Internet der Öffentlichkeit freigestellt. 
Da ich die Räume auch anderswo bauen möchte, 
habe ich durch das Fotografieren und Vervielfältigen meine Bilder, 
Tapeten aus Papier, produziert, die ich in den Räumen auf die Wände klebe und somit den RuhigRaum in die anderen Räume hinein rekonstruiere.

Aram Ruhig

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

"THE SILENT MEDIUM" by Aram Ruhi Ahangarani

(Full Movie 2013) HD  81:36 min miniDV  
by: Aram Ruhi Ahangarani 
Acting: Roman Eggenberger 
© RuhigRaum 2013   

Die Medien sind wie ein Fenster zur Welt.  Ein Fenster, aus dem man das alltägliche Leben braver Bürger betrachten kann, es ist eine Beruhigung, wenn man täglich in dieses Fenster schaut und sieht, dass alle anderen auch ähnliche Lebensläufe haben, und es gibt nichts anderes als die Wirklichkeit, die sich auch auf der Strasse vor meinem Haus reflektiert. Die Medien verbinden das Bürgertum, die Kleinbürger und alle Wissenden und Gläubigen. Informationen gibt es unendlich viele, die Medien aber treffen eine passende Auswahl. Ich treffe auch eine Auswahl und starre auf ein stummes Medium.  
Aram Ruhi Ahangarani, 16.10.2013

Monday, December 14, 2015

"The composed Environment" by Aram Ruhi Ahangarani

The composed Environment
4 February - 3 March 2016

16 - 20 pm by appointment

RuhigRaum, Zurich

Thursday, August 6, 2015

"The Composed Landscape" by Aram Ruhi Ahangarani

The Composed Landscape

show open 5 November - 3 December 2015
16 - 20 pm by appointment
RuhigRaum, Zurich

Each painting depicts a self-contained landscape or space often featuring an object of seemingly familiar form.
The room is reflected in 
the lines, colour and structure of the paintings
and it is my intention to re-define the room 
through these qualities
and those of the defined composition.